Monday, 1 March 2010

Upcoming Talk on Our Adventures

Cruising Lifestyle Seminar Series

Advantage Boating is pleased to offer once again this 3-part cruising lifestyle seminar series.
Come and hear Ottawa’s own Ruth Beyerlein & Geoff Roddick talk about their 2-year round trip Caribbean adventure aboard their catamaran from boat selection & purchasing to bringing the boat back to winter in Canada. This three-night seminar series can help get you on course for your cruising adventure or simply help you escape the winter chill.
OPTIONS One, Two or all Three Nights
FEE $40.00 for all three nights
$30.00 for any two nights
$20.00 for a single night

Advanced registration is required with Advantage Boating.

Session 1: The Dream Takes Shape
What initiated this Trip?
Why a catamaran?
Bringing as US boat into Canada.
Gear Selection, Boat Preparation, Provisioning
Monday, March 6; 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Britannia Yacht Club
**The BYC Galley will be open at 5:00 pm for dinner beforehand!

Session 2: The Voyage - Ottawa to the Bahamas
All those Canals...
Crossing the Gulf Stream
The Bahamas
Monday, March 22; 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Britannia Yacht Club
**The BYC Galley will be open at 5:00 pm for dinner beforehand!

Session 3: The Voyage Part 2 - Bahamas, South Eastern Carribean
Running from Hurricanes
The Thorny Path
The Islands
Ocean Passage Making
Our return home!
Monday, March 29; 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Britannia Yacht Club
**The BYC Galley will be open at 5:00 pm for dinner beforehand!

Sunday, 3 January 2010


3 January 2010

Happy New Year to all!

Winter has arrived here in Canada.

Geru not so happy with this cold white stuff around her!

Ruth wishing she was with our friends sailing down south