Monday, 1 March 2010

Upcoming Talk on Our Adventures

Cruising Lifestyle Seminar Series

Advantage Boating is pleased to offer once again this 3-part cruising lifestyle seminar series.
Come and hear Ottawa’s own Ruth Beyerlein & Geoff Roddick talk about their 2-year round trip Caribbean adventure aboard their catamaran from boat selection & purchasing to bringing the boat back to winter in Canada. This three-night seminar series can help get you on course for your cruising adventure or simply help you escape the winter chill.
OPTIONS One, Two or all Three Nights
FEE $40.00 for all three nights
$30.00 for any two nights
$20.00 for a single night

Advanced registration is required with Advantage Boating.

Session 1: The Dream Takes Shape
What initiated this Trip?
Why a catamaran?
Bringing as US boat into Canada.
Gear Selection, Boat Preparation, Provisioning
Monday, March 6; 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Britannia Yacht Club
**The BYC Galley will be open at 5:00 pm for dinner beforehand!

Session 2: The Voyage - Ottawa to the Bahamas
All those Canals...
Crossing the Gulf Stream
The Bahamas
Monday, March 22; 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Britannia Yacht Club
**The BYC Galley will be open at 5:00 pm for dinner beforehand!

Session 3: The Voyage Part 2 - Bahamas, South Eastern Carribean
Running from Hurricanes
The Thorny Path
The Islands
Ocean Passage Making
Our return home!
Monday, March 29; 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Britannia Yacht Club
**The BYC Galley will be open at 5:00 pm for dinner beforehand!