We left Ottawa this past Friday, September 28th. We had a very eventful day. It all started out early at 6:30am in the morning to get to an 8am appointment with Geoff's surgeon at the Queensway-Carleton Hospital to check out his leg. Dr. Charles was happy with the progress, but he did warn against any unexpected sudden falls which would stress the tendon.
After the appointment, we went back to Britannia Yacht Club (BYC) to meet the crane and truck which were going to move the boat across town to Mooney's Bay. The crane arrived on time but the truck was a little late, so we lifted the boat out and placed in on the ground so we could start the work of getting our ceased thru-hull fixed. The valve was ceased in the closed position and our engine wasn't getting any cooling water. The photo shows Neil doing what he does best - fixing boats!
We moved the boat across town at lunchtime. At Mooneys' Bay things went smoothly and once we were back in the water, Neil and Terry got to work at getting the rest of the cooling system back together on the boat, while Geoff's mom ran off and got us lunch - thanks mom!
We left Ottawa's Mooneys Bay around 3 pm in a rush to try to make it through the first set of locks on the Rideau as the locks close at 4:30pm. We made it through the Black Rapids locks and then stopped at the Long Island locks as they were closed for the night by the time we arrived. We spent a very quiet night at the lock with barely even a sound from the nature all around us. Thank you, Scott and Luigia, for finding us in the dark and wishing us well on our trip.