Monday, 29 October 2007
New York New York
When we left Tarrytown on Monday, the river was finally wide enough to raise the sails and check everything out. This exercise generated a list of thing that we needed to replace - new reefing lines, jib sheets and furling line.
We were able to see the Manhattan skyline from Tarrytown and we travelled towards it for the afternoon, passing under the Tappan Zee and George Washington bridges. When we arrived at the 79th Street Marina in New York, we encountered the strong Hudson River currents, which we had heard about. It was impossible to make it into the small harbour as the current was pushing us sideways past the entrance, so we decided to pick up one of the marina's mooring balls out on the river instead.
Our first night in New York was rockin' - and not of the musical style. We were bouncing all over the place from the wakes of the tugs and freighters running up and down the river and the current rushing by the boat. (click here for a video)